Recovery in fabric care products
Your used tissue collection on a daily basis is subject to external aggression (friction, sweat, dust,...).
In order to ensure its maintenance, its beauty and durability, need regular maintenance. The tissues are not self-cleaning. Tasks can leave marks and must be dealt with immediately.
Even if they appear dirty, perform a regular fabric cleaning, otherwise dirt and sweat smells the coating and will lead to the discoloration of the fibers and reduce their resistance.
At a minimum every 3 months, you must clean at least all parts of recovery tissue in contact with the body.
Before any application of our product, conduct a housecleaning by aspiration to low power.
The SOFT CLEANER TS is very effective in the elimination of any type of work and its implementation is very simple. Most of the fresh stains can be eliminated easily.
It is imperative to use in combination SOFA CLEAN complementary products to ensure the best possible outcome for your treatment. We do not guarantee the success of the process if our products are used in combination with another brand. It is recommended to use the accessories SOFTBRUSH and MICRONET' to proceed with the application of our products.
Don't use ever of traditional household product and any product containing solvents or oils to try to remove the stains. Many of these products are aggressive or corrosive, their job is not guaranteed without risk and they could destroy your fabrics. Do not steam (type vaporetto) on tissue cleaner.
Please read and carefully follow the operating instructions for the best result.
In case of damage, problems or strong alteration, call our repair leather and fabric on service and ask for advice in completing the form of request for information.
5 Product(s)
SOFT CLEANER® Tissu - 120 ml

Réf. SC.SCLTSN012.000
Cleansing and loosening of very high quality for all fabricsRead more
10,00 €
In stock
SOFT CLEANER® Tissu - 300 ml

Réf. SC.SCLTSN030.000
Cleansing and loosening of very high quality for all fabricsRead more
18,00 €
In stock

Réf. SC.ASBCUTS001.000
Soft brush for cleaning and maintenance of leather and fabric.Read more
8,00 €
In stock

Réf. SC.AMNCUTS001.000
Soft microfibre cloth for maintenance of leather and fabricRead more
3,00 €
In stock